Saturday 13 July 2019

Mussar: G-d takes Pride and Joy in each and every Jew

originally posted May 5, 2012

Reb Nosson wrote: "Accept that everything that is said in Rebbe Nachman's holy books about the great pride and joy that G-d takes in each and every Jew, no matter his level, applies also to you!"

(Healing Leaves, p. 58)


What does this mean to me?

The prophet Isaiah said in G-d's Name: "Yisrael, in whom I am glorified." The great pride and joy that G-d takes in each and every Jew is founded on our potential to reveal G-d's presence in the humble world of action, through the unique pathways of the mitzvos themselves. G-d created the universe so that He would have a dwelling place in the lower worlds. He wanted to have partners here—us—who willingly act to demonstrate that His Kingship extends all the way down to the place where His presence is concealed. This is what makes us His pride and joy; may G-d help us to fulfill our potential.


A prayer:

Help me always to recognize Your great love, O G-d.
Your love is beyond measure or limit; nevertheless You "constricted" Your G-dliness
and clothed Your love in the holy Torah and its precepts…
Each of Your precepts. is a holy channel through which
You may be perceived.

(The Flame of the Heart , p. 92)

Shalom and Regards,

1 comment:

Mr. Cohen said...

Mr. Dennis Prager said:

“ a rule, religious Jews are more committed
to Jewish survival. One recent example:

During the height of the Palestinian terror,
while secular Jewish organizations cancelled
their youth trips to Israel, the Orthodox did not.

SOURCE: Ignoring G-d by Dennis Prager
Kosher Spirit magazine, Fall 2003 edition


Alexander H. Joffe
[a Middle East Historian] said:

Similarly, neo-Nazis in Germany have begun
using the phrase “Israel is our misfortune,”
a sentiment that converges with the German
[Leftist] Green Party’s explicit support for BDS.

The crossover between the two streams
was seen recently when a founder of
the Green Party spoke at a neo-Nazi event.

SOURCE: BDS Spreads Through
Community Organizations and K-12

by Alexander Joffe, 2019 July 2


Mr. John Rossomando said:

“[IUMS Trustee Sheikh Hassan Ould] Aldo
and the [Muslim] Brotherhood use language
similar to what Hamas used in its original
charter, which rejected any peaceful coexistence.

To them, Palestine is part of a waqf, a holy
Islamic trust, that no person can negotiate away.”

SOURCE: Muslim Brotherhood,
Hamas: No Peace as Long as Israel Exists

by Mr. John Rossomando, 2019 July 1