Friday 13 June 2014

Why did the Jews get the Torah?

Anyone reading EG
The Ramban, Rabbenu B'chayei, or the Sefer HaChinuch can see how the various apsects of Pardeis inform and enhance each other. It becomes a tapestry of understanding truth and it's many facets

On the Other Hand, the mentality of many others seems to lack the Shiv'im Ponim Gene, and cannot fathom that the Torah is designed to be understood and examined from many and various perspectives.

EG -
«Nevertheless, are we to conclude that the philosophy taught through Kabbalah is godly? If it contradicts both Old and New Testament teaching, then how can it be from God? We conclude that it is not from God but is in reality yet another deception that proceeds out of the Garden of Eden where Satan said "you will be like God," (Gen. 3:5). The Edenic lie echoes through the hearts of mankind and has taken root in the philosophy of Kabbalah.»

What is Kabbalah? | Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry

Torah understanding requires a large dose of ambiguity tolerance. It seems that this righly is a Jewish trait, a Gene legacy from Avrohom, Yitzchok, and Yaakov, Sara, Rikva, Rochel, Lei'ah.

Kol Tuv,

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