Tuesday 11 March 2014

Shabbat Saves a Life

«The saying goes, "More than the Jews have kept the Shabbos (Sabbath), the Shabbos has kept the Jews."  When I think of that saying, I picture my life if I were constantly wired 7 days a week.  As it is, I feel like a slave to my digital devices, but the knowledge that Shabbos is right around the corner keeps me going. From sundown Friday evening until when the stars come out on Saturday night it's 25 hours spent completely offline and it's blissful.  It's 25 hours spent praying to G-d and consuming obscene amounts of calories eating scrumptious meals with family and friends.  It's perfect.  Sure anyone can always disconnect, but there's something awesome about the forced routine that can't be properly explained to one who hasn't experienced it.»

Kol Tuv,

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