Sunday 9 February 2014

The Splintering of Orthodoxy - R Eliyahu Safran

«A leader without a community is a stray voice in the wind.  A community without a leader is little more than a mob.  The relationship between a leader and community brings to mind two stories.  The first is of a poor simpleton who was befriended by a millionaire lover of music who happened to have a private orchestra.  One day, the simpleton asked to be assigned a position in the orchestra. Astonished, the rich man exclaimed, "I had no idea you could play an instrument."

"I can't," the simpleton replied.  "But I see you have a man there who does nothing but wave a stick around while the others are really working hard, playing. His job I can do."

How many of us are like that simpleton, believing that leaders do nothing more than "wave sticks around"?  How many of us believe that it is only the orchestra, the community that does the work?

The second story also concerns an orchestra.  During rehearsal, everything seemed to be going perfectly.  Gorgeous music filled the hall as 150 skilled musicians responded to the maestro's guiding hands.  Suddenly, in midst of a fortissimo passage, the conductor rapped the music stand.  Music fell to silence.  "Where is the piccolo?" he demanded.

The piccolo player had missed his entry, and even in the exalted fullness of the orchestra's playing, the maestro heard what was missing. 

Trained, seasoned and sensitive leaders keep their eyes and ears attuned to the role and mission of every community member. Only when everyone plays together, closely watching and following the leader's direction, is there perfect harmony.

And such a performance deserves thunderous applause!»
Open Orthodoxy: How to Lead; How to Follow - Judaism - Israel National News

Ish, Kol Hayyashar b'Einav Ya'aseh 

Kol Tuv,

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