Thursday 8 August 2013

The Open Siddur Project

«The map charts the development of Jewish liturgies over time and is color coded by period, the top of the map showing the earliest nusḥaot and the bottom of the page with the most recent variations. Yellow represents the period of the two temples (roughly 1000 BCE to 72 CE). Orange, the Tannaitic and Amoraic period (72 CE to 500 CE). Green, the Geonic period (600 CE to 1000 CE) and light green the period of the Rishonim (1000 CE to 1400 CE). Light blue represents the kabbalists (16th century), and the dark blue represents the period of Ḥassidut and the Haskala (18th and 19th century). The most recent variations are shown in violet. The nusḥaot found in Heinemann's chart are shown in in outlined boxes. Added material is indicated as boxes without outlines. Nusḥaot of which I have scant information I have left without an outline or color.»

This project is open to scholarly contributions.

Best Regards,

1 comment:

Mighty Garnel Ironheart said...

Kefirah! Everyone knows that the siddur Moshe Rabeinu, a"h, davened from was Nusach Ar"i which is the only tefillah HaShem listens to!