Tuesday 12 February 2013

Ed Koch - A proud Jew remembered

«... The land may have been held hostage to negotiations — negotiations the Arab states rejected in their infamous "Three No's" declaration in Khartoum ("no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with Israel") — but Israel saw the administered territories as one huge humanitarian aid project.

That is not how some saw it in the United States, however. Especially on the far left of the Democratic Party in New York and around the nation, there was a movement to label Israel a colonizing aggressor and an occupier, undeserving of aid or support.

Koch was running for a seat in Congress ... [And]

Koch was not silent, however. The district leader and congressional candidate in the WASPish tony district ...raised his powerful frame, and cut the NDC crowd down to size. Israel was not the issue, he said; the three no's was the issue. Turn the three no's into three yesses, and see how quickly Israel would move toward peace. Israel, he said, was a state surrounded by enemies who would destroy it.

He was a proud Jew...»

A proud Jew remembered - The Jewish Standard

Best Regards,

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