Saturday 10 November 2012

Mussar: Sleeping Lishmah

From Derech Emet Group

Turei Zahab commentary on Shulchan Aruch, chelek Eben HaEzer, Siman 25, near end of paragraph 1:

He who sleeps more in order to strengthen his mind for Torah [study], the Holy One Blessed Be He grants him his portion in Torah, the same as [He does for a] person who reduces his sleep and makes himself suffer [to increase his Torah study], because everything follows after the intentions...

EXPLANATION: This probably refers to going to sleep earlier, not waking up later, which could cause a Jew to miss the correct time to recite Shema.

CHRONOLOGY: Rabbi David HaLevi was born in 1586 and died in 1667.

Shalom and Best Regards,

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