Monday 2 July 2012

Kaddish in Liebau

Many years ago in Pre-Holocaust Latvia, little 4.5 year old Hirschel Dorbian lost his beloved father.

His older sister Riva [Chayah Rivkah] just shared this with me

"Hirschel was too young to get up early in the morning to say Kaddish in Shul before School. Instead, we two sisters said Kaddish at shacharis for the entire 11 Months. Hirschel DID come in the evening for Minchah Maariv and they put the tiny lad on a step stool in order for him to say Kaddish every evening."

Apparently they did permit the Girls to recite Kaddish in Pre-War Latvia at the Orthodox Shul.

Shalom and Regards,

1 comment:

micha berger said...

This was the pesaq at the Gra's shul back when RYBS had reason to visit Vilna as well. RARakeffet talks about it in this shiur on RYBS vs R' Rackman (28-Jan-02), and I have heard the same from other talmidim of RYBS.