Wednesday 30 May 2012

Prayer for the Government

Virtually ever classic Siddur/Mach'zor I've seen over the years has the prayer for the Government as an adjunct to the end of Y'kum Purkan, implying it's said only on Shabbat

Now I see the prayer for the government is said routinely on Yamim Tovim that fall on weekdays.

1. When did this phenomenon first occur?

2. Does this have the Haskmaha of any G'dolim?

3 Nu, Mah Nafshach! When saying the Prayer for the Government, why not add Y'kum Purkan, too?

Shalom and Regards,

1 comment:

Mighty Garnel Ironheart said...

> 1. When did this phenomenon first occur?

When Birnbaum and Artscroll and other siddurim put it in following the berachos for the haftarah and didn't put a little blurb at the top saying "To be said on Shabbos only"

> 2. Does this have the Haskmaha of any G'dolim?

No, but considering how scrupulously the Chareidim avoid saying any prayers of gratitude to any state, especially Israel, one can guess what people would think.

>3 Nu, Mah Nafshach! When saying the Prayer for the Government, why not add Y'kum Purkan, too?

Because in my siddur it says that Yekum Purkan is said only a Shabbos and it doesn't say that above the other prayer!