Thursday 22 March 2012

What is REALLY Holding up the Two State Solution?

Guest Blogger

Doug Aronin, esq.


Following the publication of Peter Beinart's op-ed in Monday's Times [see], I sent a letter to the editor on the chance they might publish it.  (As the lottery ad says, you never know.)  They didn't, and I thought some of you might be interested, so here it is.- DA
To the Editor:
The unstated but fundamental assumption underlying Peter Beinart's wrong-headed call for an economic boycott of Israeli citizens living in the West Bank ("To Save Israel, Boycott the Settlements", March 19) is that Israel's government is the primary obstacle to a viable two-state solution. That assumption is manifestly false.
If the day ever comes that the Palestinians are ready for genuine peace with Israel -- a peace that ensures Israel's security, preserves a united Jerusalem and abandons the insistence that all Palestinian Arabs are entitled to settle within Israel's borders -- then the two-state solution Beinart advocates will quickly be achieved. Beinart's proposal, however, by pressuring Israel for further concessions while giving the Palestinians no incentive to compromise, would make it even more unlikely that any of us will live to see such a day.
Douglas Aronin


The question I often ponder is, when did the Left in America, led by the NY Times and others, begin to treat Israel in this unfair light?



Mighty Garnel Ironheart said...

Answer: the day after the Six Day War. Until there Israel was the plucky underdog. It had victim status. Suddenly it was the regional power and overlord over "occupied" people. There was a new victim in town, the so-called Palestinians so sympathy switched to them.

joymo said...

well saying due to regional power and overlord over "occupied" people. There was a new victim in town, the so-called Palestinians so sympathy switched to them.this type of thing some type create major problem in life when some disputes come in life if you need to get more information then link here גירושין