Tuesday 7 February 2012

Definition - "A Jew is one who feels hurt when another Jew is in pain."

Douglas Aronin in describing his late Aunt May:


She was not an ideologue and had little patience with those who allowed ideology to eclipse what she saw as common sense. Her approach to her Jewishness, like her approach to life in general, was more instinctive than cerebral. I remember a discussion with her, about one of the recurring "who's a Jew" debates that arose periodically during those years. ==> Her definition was a simple one: "A Jew is one who feels hurt when another Jew is in pain."


Tangentially, when we were discussing Jews who practice other Monotheistic Beliefs EG Unitarianism, despite the lack of Avodah Zarah, one must question their loyalty to their Peoplehood. While Aunt May's definition may be insufficient from a Halachic perspective, it still may be a quite valid criteria for "what a Jew needs to be"


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