Sunday 25 September 2011

Avot 4:11 Hayyei Adam 10:11 - "Kol Hamkayeim Divrei Torah"

The usual explanation given for this Mishnah is that:

A) when one is poor and fulfils his obligation to learn Torah, eventually he will fulfil it when [he becomes] wealthy;


B) when one is wealthy and fails to learn Torah, eventually he will fail to do so when [he becomes] poor

This interpretation presumes it's a function of material wealth.

I once heard an interpretation that presumes it's a function of intelligence or "mental wealth":

A) when one is poor in intellect and fulfils his obligation to learn Torah, eventually he will fulfil it when [he becomes] wealthy in intellect - Talmud Torah will grow his mind;


B) when one is wealthy in intellect and fails to learn Torah, eventually he will fail to do so when [he becomes] poor in intellect, his mental faculties with decrease Cv"S.

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Source Supplied Below


מסכת אבות פרק ד

ד,יא  [ט] רבי יונתן אומר, כל המקיים את התורה מעוני, סופו לקיימה מעושר; וכל המבטל את התורה מעושר, סופו לבטלה מעוני.


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