Sunday 3 July 2011

"Frumkeit" vs. "Ehrlichkeit"

The following BlogPost Highlights a very important aspect of our "Thinking Person's Torah" - reflecting upon our Torah/Jewish Societal Values. In the '60's we'd call this "Values Clarification" or something like that

What is Frumkeit? | Aspaqlaria

RRW Comment:
It may be more important for an individual's Neshama to be Ehrlich, but the survival of the Torah community [perhaps unfortunately] relies more upon having members who are identifiably Frum. The Orange Peel, largely inedible itself , is still needed to protect its fruit.

Ideally, we sacrifice neither ideal EG Rabbiner Hirsch spent his career passionately advocating no compromises. I myself witnessed this reflected in Rav Shimon Schwab Z"L who was both very Pious and Very Ehrlich as well as very polite and courteous.

And while the Ehrlichkeit quotient among the Torah Community could certainly use improvement, I'm fairly convinced that non-Frum Jewish Communities are not any better at it, and at times demonstrably worse.


1 comment:

Bob Miller said...

We should be very dissatisfied whenever we are merely "no worse than the rest".