Monday 18 April 2011

KSA 211:12 - Ein Tzrichin hag'arah b'feirush

Given - An Aveil for one's parents may not cut his hair until "go'arin bo chaveirav". KSA here notes that this is NOT necessarily a literal status, rather we ESTIMATE that it is worthy of being noticed...
RJB Soloveichik was known for a famous story that we do NOT determine the status of eino rauy la'achilas kelev [re: toothpaste for Passover] by literally consulting "stupid dogs". Rather it is a Halachic determination estimated by a Poseiq of what eino rauy laachilas llelev is.
Thus we see in several halachic contexts that these terms are not determined by an actual field test, and that KSA and RJBS are simpatico on that issue.


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