Sunday 3 April 2011

Halachic impact on Hashqafah 1 - Judging Both Sides of the Story

One of the major themes on's Avodah list is the nexus or overlap between Halachah and Hashqafah

E.G. See

The Avodah/Areivim Discussion Group

The Avodah mailing list hosts a chevrah that focusses on analysis of hashkafah, avodas Hashem, ta'amei hamitzvos, lomdus, machshavah, and halachah -- with an emphasis on the places where halachah, machshavah and hargashah meet.

Recently I received an email along these lines - showing us how judgments should be predicated on Hashqafic principles informed by Halachah. I am reproducing it here with permission

R Reuben Poupko
Halachot which guide our conduct in specific
encounters carry with them values, which are applicable outside the realm where they are first articulated. For instance, when we are told
not listen to the claims of a litigant absent the other party, common sense demands that in all situations we need to at least hear both
sides, at the very least consecutively, before making judgments.
Reuben Poupko

Makes sense. Here, the Halachah "sensitizes" Observant Jews as how to live even in areas not directly impacted by the Halachah.


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