Sunday 31 October 2010

Liberalism Is Not Our Religion | The Jewish Week

«I believe in equality for all. I support civil rights, women's rights, gay rights, universal health care, feeding the poor, social justice, separation of church and state, access to education, diversity, the arts, animal rights (I have not eaten meat or poultry in 33 years), and more. I marched against the war in Vietnam, protested the bombing in Cambodia, and advocated for affirmative action.»


«Still, I have not elevated liberalism to the status of religion. I do not blindly follow the liberal agenda and my convictions take a backseat to my commitment to the well-being of Israel and the Jewish people. Unfortunately, this is not the case for the majority of U.S. Jews, who have substituted liberalism for Judaism and whose actions are often governed by misguided priorities. In lieu of traditional Jewish belief or value systems, many American Jews have adopted what is essentially a theology of universalism and tikkun olam, or social justice. In doing so, much of American Jewry has essentially become de-Judaicized.»

See the entire article at



Garnel Ironheart said...

There is no warming but global warming and Al Gore is its prophet!

Unknown said...

If liberalism is truly not his religion, he should vote against its high priests, starting tomorrow.

At this point, it seems as if he objects only to the liberal establishment's views about Israel.