Wednesday 21 April 2010

What is the Earliest Source? 1 S'firah and Aveilut

NB: I've posted many in this series under the subject Who First Said It?
EG: Who First Said It? - No music during Sefira

Q1) What is the earliest source that requires Mourning During S'firat Ho'Omer?

The Talmud does record that Talmidei R Akiva perished during Sefirah

However, AFAIK the Talmud does NOT prescribe any mourning rituals to commemorate this tragedy.

So - Who First Said It?

What is the earliest source for observing Mourning during Sefira?

Q2) What is the earliest source that prohibits passively hearing Music During S'firat Ho'Omer?

I recently received this fax:

"The counting of the Omer is from Tuesday 3/30 until Monday 5/17.

Please be advised that no instrumental music may be played in the restaurant or catering facility during this time."

Well, much of this is self-evident but let's parse it anyway

A. First of all, what is the earliest source for the prohibition of simply hearing instrumental music during S'fira?

B And what is the specific concern about being subjected to someone else's music and merely listening passively? Is there an issur hana'ah in being around music during s'fira?

[OTOH When I lost my Dad A"H I *did* at times request that my office mate cut off his radio]

C. Notice this is for the entire period, not just 33 days

D. For a catering facility - whose being addressed? Few Customers are to be found in the commissary so it seems only the Mashgiach or potentially a few frum workers are impacted.

E. What about this issur is so important so as to motivate a fax a notice to each facility?

The main thrust is the same, when did S'fira and music first get linked?»

Q3) What were the earliest documented restrictions during S'fira?


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