Tuesday 18 August 2009

Proposal: Encyclopedia Maimonidit

I once posted:

«I want to propose that there should be a encyclopedia Maimonidit that would collate at least 4 of the Rambam's works on any topic -particularly in machshava



Mishneh Torah - Yad

Peirush mishna (esp. 8 P'raqim)

And Sefer Hamitzvos

Touger does a bit of that. But I am talking about something more comprehensive

At least the mitzvos in the Yad should be hyperlinked to the Sefer Hamitzvos!
I did this myself once for Hilchos Hametz Umatza which is but 8 mitzvos

I don't know the feasibility but...

Imagine reading Hilchot Dei'ot and having all related passages from "Shmonah P'raqim" and Moreh Nevuchim.

Or collating all of Rambam's eschatological comments - including his Igrot into a comprehensive article?

In cyberspace, hyperlinks could be made between key words and phrases that would allow both basic cross referencing and serious in-depth research.



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