Wednesday 11 February 2009

Irony or Hypocrisy?

Many years ago whilst touring Faneuil Hall in Boston, the guide remarked that it was here that brewmaster Samuel Adams would passionately advocate free speech. And when anyone bothered to debate him he would shout them down and heckle them.

Robert Moses was all about helping the masses of people. When the Cross Bronx Exeressway threatened to destroy middle class neighborhoods in The Bronx, he said that progress to help people is more important than the damage to those neighborhoods.

When popular revolutions in France and Russia were not fanatic enough, freedom was co-erced by the likes of Robespierre, Bonaparte and Bolsheviks! Did co-ercing freedom work? And will it work in Iraq?

Here is a quickie word of Torah:

Zedek zedek tirdof!
Tr: justice justice shalt thou pursue.

Q: Why is justice repeated? Is that not redundant?

One A: the first "Zedek" is an adjective so it SHOULD read: JUST justice shalt thou pursue.

Iow the ends do not justify the means.

On my Mom obm's note board:

Gandhi: take care of the means and the ends will take care of themselves!

Kol Tuv Best Regards,

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