Tuesday 22 May 2007

Dayyeinu - The Answers

Originally published 5/22/07, 12:31 AM, Eastern Daylight TIme

Reprise the questions:

  1. Can it be true that had God taken us out of Egypt only to abandon us either at the shore of the Red Sea or in the Desert without provision that it would have really been enough?
  2. What is the purpose of stating The list of Dayyeinu and THEN summarizing them with "Kammah Ma'alotTovot" - i.e.How many advantages... etc."?
  3. What is the point of God bringing us "CLOSE to Sinai" without giving us the Torah? Isn't the entire point of Sinai the Giving of the Torah?! Clue: Consult the Haftarot associated with the Readings of Torah on Yithro and Shavuot
  1. As previously mentioned in the comments, the Dayyeinu really means: "It would have been enough for us to Praise God, or IOW enough to justify reciting Hallel over each and every step."
  2. The number 15 matches the 15 levels corresponding to 15 steps in the Holy Temple and the 15 Psalms of Shir Hama'lo as well as the 15 steps of the Seder.
  3. The point of Ma'amad Har Sinai without the Torah is similar to the divine revelations to Isaiah and Ezekiel respectively in those Haftorot. I.E. Israel witnessed and experienced divine revelation firsthand just as tte prophets did in their individual prophetic visions. A legacy of this is reflected in our kedushah that excerpts the Kadosh... from Isaiah and the Baruch... from Ezekiel. This mystical level of national prophecy was unique peak experience that was independent of any "law-giving aspect" and deserves it's own Dayyeinu or cause to Praise God.
This third point segues us right the upcoming Holiday of Shavuoth!
Kol Tuv
Rabbi Rich Wolpoe

1 comment:

Rabbi Richard Wolpoe said...

Sing this to the Mah Nishtana tune:

"Why did Rabbi Wolpoe wait to answer this on Erev Shavuot? on Erev Shavuot?"

"The answer is, that the last point is: regarding Shavuot" [2 times}
And with this we say dayyeinu re: Passover.